These are my current Ebay auctions.

I always try to describe my items to the best of my ability and will always disclose any present or treated tail rust, any odd smell (be it mildew or chemical non-pony fragrance), missing plugs, hair cuts, dry hair, ingrained dirt, bubbles inside the plastic, head-body-mismatch, rattling or problems to stand upright… I will most probably not mention slight fading or discoloration, excess glue or slightly bent legs, as I don’t internally process these as “flaws”. However I do my best to provide high quality pictures so that in addition to my description, you can get to a good judgement yourself.

In trades, I expect people to disclose flaws, especially those non-visible on provided images, as a part of fair play.

Also, I do my best to provide well protected, fast and cost effective shipping. This said, ponies are banned from German letter post since the beginning of 2020. There are now times where I do not ship abroad because in order to get my hands on “professional” shipping options, I must be sure to send 5 shipments abroad quarterly.

I am part of an international shipping network. I myself have shipping addresses in Germany and France. If you need help or would like to participate, please feel free to contact me. I do like good solutions and win-win situations a lot.


My Ebay Feedback
